date | speaker | title, topic, comments |
18 Jan. | Wefag | Accelerated Climate Ageing of Building Materials, Components, and Structures in the Laboratory |
25 Feb., R90 | Hilmar Apmann (Fachhochschule Muenster) | Composites / 3 D printing |
15 Feb. | Paula | Hydrogen embrittlement of AM Ti-6Al-4V in comparison to conventional counterparts |
29 Feb. | Nima | Tailoring for Additive Manufacturing (Material, microstructure, design) |
14 March | Aritra Sarkar | Fatigue behavior of recycled Al-alloys: Challenges and mitigation |
11 April | Lu Xia (chemistry) | A machine learning solution for potential energy surface representation — an artificial neural network potential (NNP) for illite |
25 April | - | - |
23 May | Haakon | Signal detection methodology in acoustic emission data |
30 May, R51 | Suraksha Sharma (structural engineering) | repair and remediation of concrete structures |
6 June | Kastriot | The Next Generation of Lubrication: Exploring Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) |
13 June, R51 | Nora | Functionalized graphene oxide as additives in aqueous lubrication |
20 June, VE24 | Andrea Chiocca and Giuseppe Macoretta (university of Pisa) | Advances in fatigue assessment at the University of Pisa |
15 August, R50 | Christopher | Understanding the Viscous Behaviour of Complex Fluids |
12 Sept. | Mehmet | Hydrogen Embrittlement of Pure Titanium and Titanium Alloys |
16 Sept., 13:30, 216 | Mandar Tabib, SINTEF Digital | Hybrid Analysis and Modelling - Combining Physics with Machine Learning |
24 Sept., 12:30 216 | Kotiba Hamad, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea | Elevating the 4th Paradigm: Integration of Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Big Data into Materials Informatics |
7 Nov. | Hamid | Tribocorrosion and Multidegradation in Offshore Renewable Energy (MORE) |
5 Dec. | Baptiste | Indirectly recycled aluminum in extrusion processes: current trends and future outlook |